Tuesday 1 January 2013

Damp days...

Plot 376

Well, another damp and muddy day at the allotment. Sadly, these winter, dismal days tend to damage the long lanes, flood the plots and most of all, keep people away. But gladly, myself and my friends still manage to make our way to our allotments. I think it's the warmth in our sheds and the hot coffee and nice cakes, that keeps us going.

The only thing is, these long comfortable breaks postpones us from the cold, outside digging and the construction for the growing season. Lucky for me, I can only drink half a cup of coffee anyway!

Meanwhile, I'm out there filtering the bottom layer of my compost into my fourth coming potato bed. The worms I found today, would have to be the biggest worms I have ever seen. They must have been at least 10 mm thick and very long! I had to protect them from my little friend, the Robin. He's always around when I'm digging, coming quite close up to me. However, I would still rather looking after the worms. They do a great job in the ground. My good friend once told me, 5 worms on one spade full is good. Today, I had 5 or maybe more, which I can't wait to tell him!
How exciting, WORMS!

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