Monday, 31 December 2012

Old sticks and branches...

Plot 376

Along the lanes of the allotment, sticks and branches are around. I use these to keep the wood pigeons or any other animals off my crops. This works extremely well and adds a nice woodland theme to my plot.

With the thicker branches this year, I have made a runner bean frame, which I am going to grow runner beans themselves one side and the other half of sweet peas. I think this will look very nice, the colourful plants winding up the sticks. Check out my runner bean frame out for my crops...


There it is above. However, not only do I get sticks and branches from the allotment, but from Farndon and other forest like places I visit to. This can be a little tricky...

Around this area, there is plenty of sticks and logs for my burner also. This all comes in handy like recycling. After collecting, I must say, me and my trustworthy defender do need to get a shower back at home...

Before my next blog, would just like to wish all my friends and readers a happy New Year, best wishes for more to come.


  1. Lovely blog that Carl. Happy New Year, see you in 2013!

  2. Thanks Bob and a Happy New Year to yourself and Hayley too! Yes, good 2013 growing season ahead of us :)
